Posts about myself

Returning Home(page)

So, no updates for over two years.

I’ve been very unwell to the point I need assistance to do even basic household tasks like cleaning and preparing meals. Unfortunately I’ve already used the title “Rumours of my death have been slightly exaggerated” back in 2018, and it wasn’t even the last post I had to make on this topic.

While most of my life is a complete mess, I do have a few ideas about being able to actually get some more stuff I’ve done posted online.

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Disability and Rarity of Updates

Haven’t made any updates to this site or my “new” blog in over a year until I cleaned up and posted this biology article a few days ago. Even before then, I hadn’t made a post talking about my disabilities and past and how badly it affects my ability to get things done.

This post (originally on the new blog) will explain some of those issues, what I’ve been up to since last year, and what I might be able to do in the future.

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Yes, I only posted once last year

Unfortunately my health somehow got even worse last year, and then took a turn for the yet more worse this summer with the record-breaking heat. I’ve switched up medication a few times and things seem to be improving slightly (although I might have to just take it easy until after summer).

Although I spent most of the year too exhausted to function I did release some software on my github repo in August and January; respectively a jazz-comping generator and my nutrition tracking system.

I’ll be posting in detail about these as soon as I’ve finished dusting off the cobwebs of the software section of the site. Maybe even this month!

Rumours of my death have been slightly exaggerated

My illnesses have been a bit worse over summer and I dropped off the internet for a while. Now it’s cooler I’m going to make more effort to stay online and keep up with communities and OSS projects and apps, maybe expand the food section of this site as planned last year.

Site changes:

  • Fixed minor nav issues on small screens

  • Fixed some outdated links in the notes

  • Fixed dates showing incorrectly sometimes

  • Fixed expired DNS records