
Food Posts

This page is an older, static part of the site, you may be looking for posts tagged “Food” instead, which includes recipes I have posted and more recent content.

Cooking Reference Tables

Grain, Legume and Vegetable Reference

List of vegies and dried grains, grain-likes, lentils, peas, beans etc sorted by the time taken to cook them, along with other useful info.

Pastry Fillings and Toppings Reference

List of Custards, Creams, Caramels, Cheeses, Ices - everything you can put in or on pastry.

Doughs and Batters

A smaller table which debuted on my then-new 2019 blog, now back in it’s originally planned location here.

Price and Nutrition Tracking System

PANTS is a self-hosted open-source nutrition tracking site and a tool for nutritional data analysis of ingredients and recipes. See my blog post on PANTS for more details.