More Evidence Early Human Diets Were Highly Plant/Carb Based
An article in last month’s Science, “Cooked starchy rhizomes in Africa 170 thousand years ago”, provides some archaeological evidence of early humans cooking and eating tuber-like vegetables.
As others have pointed out with earlier finds, there are abundant artifacts (weapons, tools and bones) suggesting early humans ate meat. However, this doesn’t mean they frequently ate meat, or it was a regular part of their diet - it just means that the artifacts survived.
If they pulled up a carrot and ate it there wouldn’t be any archaeological artifacts to provide evidence for that thousands of years later. Occasionally we find something which has been unusually preserved, as in the recent example, but the frequency of each find says nothing about diet - just that buried knives last longer than buried potato peelings.
On the other hand, there is excellent biochemical evidence that our brains evolved with a carb-heavy diet to fuel it, and metabolism to match. A snarkier blog in SA puts it more simply: