Minimum Viable Page
I’ve copied enough content (and put in redirects for everything missing) to be satisfied with replacing the old site.
Things which are still here
- News / .plan
I plan to make use of Nikola’s post feature going forward, so you can look forward to more “blog” posts like this. I may or may not upload my old RMITCS or post-RMITCS
files. - Code, Software, Game Mods
Combined on Software page.
- Forensics, Publications and other Uni stuff
My research articles are on my research site (which is going to get converted to Nikola ASAP as well). My pre-honours stuff which used to be under “portfolio” is now in the Misc section under Coursework Portfolio.
- Notes and non-research articles
My scattered notes on development, Unix, FreeBSD, etc have been converted from XML to ReST and on the new Notes page. Many redirects have been arduously inserted to link the old URLs to better ones.
- Resume
Completely standalone with no dependencies so it can be saved etc.
Things which are not here anymore
- RMITCS Memory Lane
If you went to RMITCS in the awesome thin client X server era before 2009 then the RMITCS section may have been of historical interest. If it really is of interest to anyone else I’ll convert it for the new site.
- Sega Genesis Emulators and 68k stuff
These were just mirrors and other Genesis emulators are getting more maintenance now.
- Music stuff
Always needed work.
- Cooking and Nutrition stuff
Still being written.
- Obsolete Image Gallery
Not a priority.
- Obsolete RPG notes and resources
Probably not coming back.
- Dylan’s todo list charts
I would like to re-add this, when I get the time, probably using a Python plotter directly on my .todo rather than a RRDTool database.
- Outdated Contact, Links and similar misc pages
Maybe later.